As part of our commitment to education and growing our communities, several scholarship opportunities are available through Rita Blanca Electric Cooperative and our affiliates:
Rita Blanca Electric Cooperative Member Scholarship
- The scholarship is $4,000, payable at $1000 per semester for 2 years. The scholarship is available to graduating seniors from Hartley High School, Texline High School, Dalhart High School, Stratford High School, Sunray High School, Dumas High School and one At-Large. These scholarships are available to immediate family of active Members to attend state or private universities, junior colleges or vocational schools.
- Completed applications are due April 1, 2025.
- If you have any questions, you may call The Opportunity Plan office at (806) 655-2528.
Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc. Directors' Memorial Scholarship
- The scholarship is $2,000, payable $500 for each of four semesters through the sophomore year. The scholarship is available to entering freshman college or university student who is a member, or spouse or child of a member, or child whose guardian is a member of Rita Blanca Electric Cooperative.
- Completed applications are due March 1, 2025.
- If you have any questions, you may call The Opportunity Plan office at (806) 655-2528.
Texas Rural Electric Women's Association Scholarship
- Texas Rural Electric Women's Association (TREWA) is offering 20 scholarships, at $1,500 each, to current TREWA members and their children. You can join TREWA at the same time you submit a scholarship application. Dues are only $10. Applicants must also be a current member of Rita Blanca Electric Cooperative.
- Completed applications are due March 15, 2025.